Thursday, March 10, 2011

how my smart little 3 year old cousin named logan came up with my nickname k.k.

my cousin logan is 3 years old and very very smart!!!!! (for his age!!!) when he was starting to learn how to talk we were teaching him how to say the easy words like mimi,pawpaw,mommy,daddy. then once those were coverd they moved on to harder words. like savanna are other cousin,and well my name carrington. its hard cause the way you are suppost to spell it is carrington. but the c in my name sounds like a k. so logan knew what sound a k makes and then heard carrington. when he heard the c in my name he didnt know how to spell my name but he heard the c and thought it was a k cause he knows what k's sound like. and thought the c was a k and thought k.k. would be easier and shorter! so then all of a sudden we said logan logan can you say carrington? then he opens his mouth and says k.k.! and sense then everyone has been calling me k.k.! i love the nickname! and he was sooo younge but sooo smart! and so funny and cute! and for some reason he follows me and does or trys to do everything that he sees me do

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